Thursday, October 25, 2007


I'm calling out David Stern. More than half his NBA refs broke the rules, by gambling in casinos. This was all brought about thanks to the Tim Donagy debacle. These refs make anywhere from $200-$400K a year for 2/3 a years worth of work. They knew the rules, yet Stern calls the rules broken outdated:

I call it gutless. Rules is Rules. You make a rule, you break it and get caught, serve the consequences. You mean to tell me that someone that's been busting his/her backside in college or the CBA or NBADL to get to the NBA as a ref, WHILE FOLLOWING THE RULES. Why weren't the rules outdated before all of this scandal? The miner league refs will now have to pay for what Stern calls, "Outdated Rules?" Oust Stern. He's gutless. Some people think the Constitution of the United States is outdated, but we still hold it to be the law. Gutless.

We all know that Tim Donagy fixed games as a ref. Now? Stern's allowing refs in the door at the Sportsbook. Is he going to get kickbacks of fixed games? Call me crazy, but the craps table isn't far from the sportsbook in these Vegas casinos.

Who's to keep refs from playing craps at the MGM, and not hopping over to the Sportsbook to place a bet? Who would know? I know there are cameras in casinos, but who the heck can identify a ref??? Hey NBA players Union. Your turn. Do this. Call out David Stern for not calling out his refs. They broke the rules, and ultimately, the players will pay. MARK MY WORDS. David Stern is gutless.

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